Living faithfully in the spirit of Christ to make a loving difference in the world.


What was a highlight of the summer? I have been asked that a few times in the past week or so. And there are several answers; so many that I can group them in categories: experiences at the cottage, time at Berwick camp … and one of the categories would need to be “gathered at table”.  I think of a restaurant lunch with my uncle, tea/coffee times at the Pugwash bakery, sharing memories and laughter with friends who I hadn’t seen for a number of years, family meals at camp, hosting friends at the cottage, the one fast food meal that all of 5 of us in our family shared together all summer.

There is something about sharing a meal together that breaks down inhibitions and offers a chance for conversation and connection. Sharing a meal together (even coffee/tea) builds friendship, offers communion.

I remember my grandmother telling me once – as we were having a meal at her kitchen table – that she never cut a roll or biscuit, but always broke it open as a way of remembering that each meal was a “mini” communion; a chance to taste and experience the grace of God.

As we transition into fall, with more activities in our community of faith and beyond, let us cherish those moments of connection and communion that we have with one another: coffee time, pot-lucks, breakfasts, communion Sundays – so that we may care for one another and remind ourselves of what is important.

Sometimes we might even say grace before we share – “Come, Jesus, be our guest, let this food to us be blessed”.  And may it be more than the food that knows blessing.

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