The Brookfield Community Food Cupboard is going very well.
As a result, we are in dire need your ongoing support and donations! At this time we need:
Pasta, Tomato Sauce, Canned Beans, Canned Vegetables, Canned Fruits, Cereal and Granola Bars!
Please bring your donations to the Church any day, or to the Brookfield Food Cupboard after 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.
The Food Cupboard will be open on Wednesdays from 4:30 to 8pm at Brookfield – cafeteria entrance. Donations of non-perishable food are needed; a list of most needed items is available on the BCFC website: www.brookfieldcfc.cations are made and new possibilities imagined.
We invite you to bring food items to church on Sunday or drop them off during the week. The preferred donated items, are items that can be combined to create a full meal:
Pasta & Sauce
Cereal, breakfast items
Soups, crackers
Canned tuna, meat, vegetables and fruit
School snacks
Side dishes
Staples: rice, beans and legumes, peanut butter, jam, cooking oil, dried fruit.