The other day, my Facebook feed included the sharing of a post by a Saskatchewan friend that the community fall supper was still going ahead — even with the snow and icy road conditions! Harvest is not finished and there is snow! I remember such realities from my years in Sask. One of the things that I like about living here is that we get more of an autumn season. In the wonder of the changing seasons, autumn is a time of the annual cycles coming to completion. It is a time of cooler nights and days. It is an in-between season – and it, along with spring, are my favourite two seasons. Maybe it is because of that “in-between-ness”. October is also a time when our vision expands. The first Sunday of the month is World Communion Sunday and it invites us to remember that we are part of a worldwide body of Christ – and so we remember our sisters and brothers in other communities and nations and we realize that there are great differences and inequalities amongst us. That global vision carries us to our Annual Jamaica night on Oct 27th. As our vision expands, we are invited deeper into gratitude as we live thanksgiving. As we live in the “in between ” of so many changing realities, we are reminded that gratitude is an important perspective. And hopefully we don’t have to be grateful for snow for at least another couple of months!