Living faithfully in the spirit of Christ to make a loving difference in the world.

Annual Bazaar

Quilting Table

The Christmas Bazaar may be a long way off, but there are lots of things you can be doing now to support it:

  • Mark it on your calendar: We can use all the volunteers we can get for various functions on the day or leading up to it
  • Share your talents: organize a workshop to make a specific item or a kitchen day to make a food item or teach others how to knit or crochet or sew.  Frozen item and baked goods should obviously not be made until the fall, but you can start talking to others now about working together to make it more fun. Book the church kitchen if you want to work there.

Planning ahead:

  • Gourmet table: While jams, jellies, pickles, relishes, and chutneys are always popular, there is also an increasing interest in other home-made food such as frozen soups, sauces and casseroles, particularly in serving sizes suitable to singles or couples. Pot pies and tortières are also very popular. 
  • Bake table: Popular items are mince and butter tarts, pies, crumbles, shortbread, squares and cookies, Christmas cakes and loaves.

Special items: Over the course of the next few months, if you find you have items that fit the following categories, put them aside for the Bazaar:  jewelry, purses, china, silver, used but beautiful fine housewares and objets d’art, attic treasures and re-gifting items – things you’ve been given that are just not right for you.

Something different: Are there any men or women out there who like creating things out of wood? Or have you created things already and not decided what to do with them? Donations of crafts such as bird houses, kitchen items (cutting boards, cheese boards, coasters, knife racks, etc), garden ornaments, jewelry/pencil/Kleenex/other boxes, Christmas ornaments etc. would be welcome. Let your creative juices run wild. Maybe you could even find others who would like to work with you.