Living faithfully in the spirit of Christ to make a loving difference in the world.

New Here?

all are welcomeWhere is Riverside United Church?

3191 Riverside Dr (just south of the intersection of Riverside Drive and Walkley Road)

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When do I come?

Sunday worship is normally at 10:30am.

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How should I dress?

Wear what you are comfortable wearing in any public place. Some folks are almost always in shorts while others wear their Sunday best. We welcome you as you are.

What about my children?

Children are a valued part of the church community.  Here they are seen and heard!

Children participate in the first part of the service.  Early on, the minister invites children to the front for a “conversation with the children”. Then children and youth are invited to go to Sunday School in one of the classrooms. On days when we have communion, our young people come back into the worship area, so that we all share in communion.

What happens during a service?

Listening. Singing. Silence. Laughter. Responding.

You can read about our usual Order of Service by clicking here

Following the worship time, there is sometimes a gathering for conversation as we share cookies and juice/tea/coffee.

01_RUC_Quiet GardenWhat should I contribute?

The congregation is supported by the donations of its participants. No one is obligated to contribute. If you wish to share in the work of the church, you may leave your contribution on the plate which is in the centre aisle as you enter the sanctuary. If you would like a receipt for income tax purposes, you may enclose your contribution in an envelope which has your name and address on it, or send an e-transfer to Contributions can also be made online at any time using the “Donate” button.

Must I have certain beliefs?

No!  We are not a church that requires everyone to believe the same.  We seek to follow the way of love shown by Jesus and we are open to explore the questions and dilemmas of living.  Our minds and our hearts are open to glimpse Eternal Truth.

May I take communion?

We celebrate communion 5-6 times a year.   We have an open table – all who seek to follow in the way of Jesus are invited.  That includes children, persons from other churches or no church background – all are welcome.

If communion is offered when you visit and you prefer not to participate, simply remain in your seat when others go forward to receive the bread and juice.

I have more questions.

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